Business and Personal Ethicsbusiness ethicsPolitical Ethicspolitics

When Sand Becomes Serious – The Ethics of Silica Mining

By September 5, 2013 One Comment

We often talk about ethical misconduct occurring because individuals in power are tempted to use that power for personal gain. This situation is very well illustrated in a political scandal that is taking place in Trempealeau County, Wisconsin over riches that are found in sand deposits.  The ethics of silica mining arise with Wisconsin official David Suchla.

silica miningIn an article carried by the Associates Press (August 18, 2013) entitled: “Wisconsin official accused of self-dealing over sand,” we get to see how even in remote rural areas, ethical misconduct can occur.

In question, is a Trempealeau County Board Supervisor by the name of David Suchla whose district has land rich in deposits of silica. Mr. Suchla sits on a board that regulates mining in the area. Therefore, he is in a position of trust and he is charged in applying rules and regulations in regard to mining activities with equal judgment.

However, as frequently happens to those on the brink of ethical missteps, Mr. Suchla has been tripped up by his own machinations. According to the article, the administrator of mining activities, “Environment and Land Use Director Kevin Lien, recently discovered Suchla’s business ties from a document that someone inadvertently left on a table at the courthouse.”

Apparently Suchla has direct connections to a Texas-based mining company. This is in clear violation of mining board policy. To make matters worse, when Suchla was confronted by Lien as to the illegal connection, Lien was threatened. The threat was not necessarily physical; rather, Suchla is in a position to cut the budget of Lien’s department. It was workplace bullying all the same.

The threat precipitated the involvement of County Supervisor Sally Miller who in turn has gotten the district attorney involved in researching improper associations.

As to the accusations, “Suchla confirmed to the newspaper (Star Tribune of Minneapolis) he’s in the silica sand business, but he declined to elaborate and denied any self-dealing as a public official. He said he has intentionally recused himself from any sand mining votes.”

The situation is further confused by the fact that Trempealeau County is about to declare a moratorium on mining. The silica is of a special grade and is in high demand by the oil and gas industry for drilling; what is one company’s sand is another company’s gold! Clearly, if Suchla had advocated in the manner for which he is accused, it is quite serious. It allows the company with whom he has associated to continue mining while new companies are barred.

“Miller’s complaint alleges Suchla began advocating in 2011 for county-owned land to be used for silica sand production in a way that would benefit his business partners.”


Even if David Suchla is completely innocent of any charge against him, the improprieties he has exercised has placed him in a position where he is perceived as being tainted. Accusations of bullying, improper connections to a mining company he reportedly introduced to the board and documents connecting him to such relationships completely overwhelm his defenses.

Workplace bullying alone has become a major red flag, but adding other charges to the accusations should pretty well end his association with the board – at best. Certainly, legal charges could be added as well. Like quicksand, the more he will try to climb out, the deeper he might sink.

It is extremely import that any official in the public trust must conduct himself or herself in a fashion that is completely without any connection to wrong-doing, favoritism or misbehavior. Ethical miscues are even more magnified when it is apparent that the public official has a financial gain to be made as a result of such behavior.

In my seminars I repeatedly stress the problems that come when opportunities present themselves that lead to ethical missteps.

These kinds of situations also beg for clearly defined policies that are firmly in place. For example, if Suchla had business interests in the silica, it may not be enough that he “recused himself,” but far better than he resign from the board completely.

Officials in positions of public trust should go through ethics training so they understand what is expected of them. In turn, they need to know what they should expect from the public. If they are tempted to improper ethical behavior, they will have no confusion as to why they will most likely be looking for new employment.

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  • I think it is a fraud. Because of my own problems involving corruption I began researching those involved in my case.
    1. The DA
    2. One of the attornies and his spouse who is involved.
    3. 2 others.
    The attorney I list was my former attorney. He is also the village of Strums attorney who has been accumulating propperty in the area which happen to have these deposits of silica and another interesting fact this attorney represented Dave for the board of review.
    Here is the connection. The attorney who reps for hi-crush use to be a court comissoner for tremp. County???? And is friends with both Dave and this attorney. I see many of the same patterns applied to this as the corruption that is leading to the fraud against me. I will include some links to give you a better picture of what I as well as the citizeens of our county face. In my case the da used his office to charge me 3 times illegaly. Disabled and with limited resources I have been unable to deal with 2 of these charges the 3rd was dismissed because I was following the judges instrictions and order,the 3rd I was illegaly held on bond for 15 months which was dismissed after they were done influencing the judge. these attornies did the samething to the xhusband of this attornies now wife. There is a great deal of corruption. In my case my wife claimed to have purchased a won divorce and the evidence appears as such. My former attorney took my case eventho he consulted my wife,represented her father 3 years prior in a divorce and his wife was friends of 9 years with his wife. 4 of those years his wiffe was my wifes supervisor. After reporting this to olr they gave him an alternate punishment despite the damage he caused me when I found out these facts and fired him. Him the guardian and the da retaliated and spent the next 12 months harassing and illegaly charging me to ensure my silence. There is another man involved who threatend to expose what these people were doing to me and he now faces 2.5 years in prison,to ensure his silence.
    If you want a real story come and see me, ill give you my evidence. As with thee 300 plus sexual assault victims of the sheriffs department, I have found even with these serious violations to mine,my childrens and others rights, it is almost impossible to get the OLR or law enforcement to do anything.
    My kids have been held hostage by the guardian to ensure my silence as well.
    We have problems in my county. Drugs,sexual perversions and other activities.
    I’ve written many for help, they all talk rights and anti corruption but that’s it!
    Thank you

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