Business and Personal EthicsChoices and Consequencessuccess

Truth vs Illusion: The Path to Success

By October 9, 2015 No Comments

How far are you willing to go to succeed?

It isn’t hard to create an image of who you want to be. But how much of that image is reality? If celebrities have a good publicist,

Truth vs Illusionthey can create a picture-perfect life. If a company hires a good public relations team, the sky’s the limit. Even on a personal level, everyone has that friend who seems to have it all together.  The challenge is separating the truth vs illusion.

Trouble comes when you forget to pause and remember that there’s success, and then there’s the appearance of success. When the line between truth and illusion blurs, you may find yourself grasping to keep up.

Let’s take the example of money. In the past, I tried desperately to maintain the appearance of success. I turned to unethical means to secure my standard of living. For a time, it worked. All illusions do. But sooner or later, the truth comes out. The consequences of my actions were way beyond what I thought possible.

So how do we tell the difference between truth and illusion? Real success, be it financial, professional, or even physical, takes hard work. You can buy the best running shoes in the world, but running the race is another thing entirely. We all know crossing the finish line first isn’t the end goal for the majority of us. It’s participating, and the accomplishment of finishing at all. If you work hard from a place of truth, then you’re the real winner. Time and circumstances weed out the illusionists.

Are you and your employees willing to create success from a place of truth and honesty? Or are you so caught up in expectations that you feel trapped into projecting success by unethical means?

Want to avoid the trap? I have a presentation or training program that’s right for you. Together, we can keep those in your company on the true path to success.

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