
What Are Some Examples of Good Ethics in Business?

Ethics ExamplesRecently, I delivered a keynote talk on business ethics. As a business ethics speaker, business ethics consultant and author, I frequently hold lengthy Q&A periods after a business ethics talk, or I am asked to do business ethics breakout sessions.

Invariably, I am asked if I can recite any examples of good ethics in business. Of course, I can; the companies who routinely demonstrate ethical behavior include Chipotle Mexican Grill, Costco, Nike, McDonalds, CVS, Volkswagen and Best Buy.

However, the question shouldn’t be “What are some examples of good ethics in business?” rather, what common traits can we identify in companies where ethical behavior is in play? Clearly, there are tens of thousands of ethical companies quietly going about their business on a daily basis.

Learning from the past

As a business ethics speaker and business ethics consultant, the first thing I wish to point out is that no company – anywhere, has a perfect ethical record. For example, Volkswagen in Germany faked emissions results and it wound up costing them billions in fines; Nike has been accused of abusing workers in the Far East and McDonalds is routinely blasted for their fast-food caloric levels.

Nevertheless, Volkswagen is slowly reducing its workforce by not filling jobs rather than layoffs; Chipotle is scrupulous about how it sources ingredients and McDonalds is investing heavily in animal rights issues and worker training. Nike, for years accused of its worker abuse is a champion for diversity and inclusion. Though CVS, admittedly, sold tobacco products for years, they no longer do so.

Therefore, one business ethics trend I note is that companies can learn from their pasts to create better futures.

Other companies that used to sell liquor no longer do so while many other organizations are elevating women past glass ceilings, celebrating diversity and inclusion and with that, the full spectrum of LGBTQIA+ employees. With that effort, companies with spotty records of gender discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying in the past, have developed vigorous whistle-blowing policies and no tolerance policies.

Across the board, organizations have realized that the more ethical they strive to be the more profitable they have become. However, it isn’t only about profits but about the planet. Ethical companies such as Best Buy are employing low-emissions vehicles; other organizations are committed to green energy, reducing packaging waste and switching to more environmentally friendly materials.

Why isn’t everyone following these business ethics models?

Of course, many companies aren’t asking the question of “What are some examples of good ethics in business?” They aren’t asking at all. Some seem to go out of their way to be unethical, caring more about profits than people. It is easy to find such organizations thriving in construction, banking, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, sports and many other industries. It shouldn’t be that way but far too many organizations fall victim to the major elements of fraud: a lack if oversight, the need for more profit or power and a faulty sense of rationalization.

When organizations fail in their ethical responsibilities, it is invariably from the top-down. The behavior is inclined to continue until there are severe legal penalties.

Good business ethics is always a choice. Ethical practices are motivated by the template of ethical action. It is why as a business ethics motivational speaker and business ethics consultant; I am so passionate in teaching courses on ethical behavior.

I don’t know the origin of the term: “No good can come of this,” but I will share that I have never seen an organization that engaged in rampant, unethical behavior where the outcome was positive.

Good ethical behavior is much more than something nice to do. Unfortunately, many don’t get that lesson until it is far too late.



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